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Søkeresultat (1 / 14027)

ENCHEPA: Estonian-Norwegian Cooperative Housing Education Program for Adults

Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations (EE, University)
  • Sarnet, Anu (anu.sarnet@ekyl.ee)
Andre partnere:
Program: Nordplus Adult
Utlysning: Nordplus Adult 2013
Prosjekt ID: NPAD-2013/10015
Tildelingsår: 2013
Periode: jan 2014 - des 2014
Prosjektstatus: Avsluttet
Tildeling: 29 400 EUR


"ENCHEPA: Estonian-Norwegian Cooperative Housing Education Program for Adults" is a Nordplus Adult mobility project of two national membership associations representing and training housing cooperatives in Estonia and Norway.

The exchange of adult learners from Estonia and Norway is motivated by the challenges of project partners to raise the awareness on living environment questions, cooperation principles in housing management, social responsibility, caring for others, democratic leadership and efficiency standards in housing cooperatives as well as by the need to improve communication skills of adult learners. As significant part of population in Estonia and Norway live in housing cooperatives, the members of the cooperatives are the most important target group of the project supporting the development of all the mentioned skills useful and important in adult students everyday life.

The study programm called ENCHEPA for adult learners will take place in Estonia and Norway in 2014, one week in both participating countries, providing adult learners from housing cooperatives the new opportunities to study subjects useful in different situations in their lives. 30 adult learners total from Estonia and Norway will participate in the project and have lectures/ trainings in the other country together with the local adult learners. The project partners estimate great potential to the opportunity to combine their experience and implement in collaboration a new level training program ENCHEPA (prepared during the preparatory visitis of Nordplus Adult) for adult learners from Estonia and Norway.

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